Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Garment Designer Shortcuts...

Garment Designer Short Cuts...
by Sonia Barton

Garment Designer is so user friendly that you can simply install it and get started. This is a great thing, the only problem is that most of the time the manual doesn't get read and the vastness of the programs abilities can be missed. One thing that will help you get the most of Garment Designer is to learn the short cuts.

I'm a one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse person. It just makes a project go a lot faster.

File Menu

Most programs have the same File commands and the same short cuts. The one I use often is Ctrl + S, Save. Save your work often, if you are doing something that you don't think you want to be permanent to that design then do a Save As and create another document. Just in case you have done something you don't want but you don't want to move all those points back or select the points and do an undo All Point Movement On Selected Points.

Edit Menu

The edit menu is also some what similar to other programs. The Undo, Cut, Copy and Paste. Garment Designer has a couple more shortcuts for this menu. When you are in the Pixel-Per-Stitch Window you can use the following shortcuts. x/X to Flip Horizontal, y/Y to Flip Vertical, z to Rotate Right and Z to Rotate Left.

Sloper Menu

There is one listed shortcut in the sloper menu. I must admit I don't have this one memorized. I don't use it often. However, while I'm here I would like to mention how you delete a sloper. This question comes into Techsupport often. When you are viewing a Custom Sloper the Delete (the last command listed in this menu) with no longer be grayed out. You simply choose the sloper you want to delete from the Custom Sloper library and click on Sloper along the top menu bar and click on Delete...

Options Menu

There are more shortcuts to this menu than those that appear in the menu sidebar. Simply press 1 for Project, 2 for Garment, 3 for Knit. The Top/Dress Length is listed as Ctrl + L. Then you can press 4 for Yarn Data, and the Last two are listed as Ctrl + 5 for Enable Symmetry, and my favorite Ctrl + 6 for Symmetry Options.

Additions Menu

These are so handy when you get to the end of pattern drafting your project and you can then quickly add your Bands for your knitting projects and your Facings, Extensions, Hems and Seam Allowances for your sewing projects. Goes so much faster, especially if you are like me and you use different seam allowances on different parts of the garment. With one hand on the mouse I select my lines and the other hand on the keyboard I hit Ctrl + K on the right side of my keyboard with my thumb and pinky - perfect hand span. There is one shortcut on this menu not listed on the menu side bar, you can press e/E for Edit Custom Additions.

Extras Menu

There are two listed shortcuts in the menu. While I'm here I would like to explain a few things. The grayed out menu items that have a colon : are Sub headings to the Extras menu. Collars:, Pockets:, Edging:, and Shapes: will never be ungrayed. In order to use those functions you must select an item from the list below the sub headings. If the menu items are grayed out then it means that something needs to happen first, like for an edging on a hem you need to first select the hem and then the Bottom Hem option will no longer by grayed out.

Generate Menu

This menu has a bit of shortcuts that are not listed on the menus sidebar. You can hit g/G for Pixel-Per-Stitch Graphics, b/B for Band Pixel-Per-Stitch Graphics, 5 for Shaping Instructions, 6 for Garment Area, 7 for Pattern Layout, n/N for Project Summary, Ctrl + M for Sloper Measurement Chart and m/M for Information and Recommendations.

Display Menu

There are four known shortcuts in this menu that are not listed on the menu sidebar. They are p/P for Print Preview, d/D for Dimensions/Counts Options.., Ctrl + 7 for 1/8 Scale and o/O for Highlight Moved Points. There are times when I am working on a project and I have the measurements displayed in decimals and I will select a point and use the arrow keys to move it up or down to try to get an exact measurement and it will skip the number I want it at. You can solve that problem by zooming in and then using your arrow keys to move your point up or down. When you are zoomed in the arrow keys move the points a shorter distance, so you are able to get more accurate point movements.

Garment Pieces Display Window

These shortcuts are not listed in the window. To use the following you need to click inside the piece you want it to effect. i/I for independent, a/A for Adjacent and j/J for Joined. This menu also has the following shortcuts that you can use: f/F for Show front of piece, k/K for show back of piece, l/L for show left of piece, r/R for show right of piece, c/C to Show corresponding on body or sleeve and h/H for hide.

Other Shortcuts

There are a few other listed Shortcuts, as I mentioned before you can use the 4 arrows to move your points, I use these a lot especially on a laptop without a mouse. Then there is the one I use most s/S it toggles Symmetry on and off. 0 is for Detailed Dimensions/Counts, and you can use your spacebar to move your screen around. You press the spacebar and Click + Hold + Drag your mouse to move your image on the screen.

****Note: Mac users would use the Command key on the keyboard instead of the Control key for windows.

Also there is a PDF that you are able to print out in either Mac or Windows in the Help Sheets folder that is in your Garment Designer folder on your Hard Drive. Printing them out will help you have them handy for easy access. I hope this helps in speeding up your Design process while on the computer and gets you to your knitting or sewing faster.

~Sonia Barton

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Garment Designer Workshop in Toronto

Meet Heather, Beatrice, Sonja, Sandy, Judith, Jackie, and Kelly.

This past Friday, I spent the day with a group of Canadians (and one American) at a Garment Designer workshop. We had a great time. It is always fun for me to see what people are interested in learning re: Garment Designer.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

November News Email

It's that time of year, the Holiday season is upon us. We hope everyone is
well underway with there projects, if there is anything we can help you
with, Please feel free to call or email. We're here to facilitate your
Sewing, Knitting and Textile arts projects.

Susan has finished a couple more video's you can view them on our website:
http://www.cochenille.com/garm_videos.html Come see! She's working on more
so if you would like to comment or suggest one feel free to email

Cochenille on the Web:

Blog: http://cochenilledesignstudio.blogspot.com/
This month we have a few more 'what we've done post' and a Product Review of
'Grammar of Ornament DVD's". If you have Tips/Techniques or would like to
write an article or product review for our blog feel free to email us with
your thoughts - info@cochenille.com

A big Thank you to all who came over and participated on our Fan Page. Feel
free to come over and write a review, post some pictures, or started a
Discussion (or you can introduce yourself on the Discussion already

Where We'll Be:

Nov 19, 2010 - Garment Designer Workshop Richmond Hill, Canada Area (3
spaces left)

November/December Specials:

Cochenille Holiday Specials
It's BUNDLE time!

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays, Hanukkah, Christmas & Kwanzaa. For the
holidays, we are featuring several 'bundles' which should tempt you for all
that holiday gift giving.

What if you already have 'part' of a bundle? We will discount 10% on the
remaining items. Please supply your software serial number. We can ship
ground or air express if you need fast service (for an additional charge, of
course). The last day for Christmas Day Delivery will be Wednesday, Dec.
22nd (with expediated shipping charges).

Garment Designer Bundle 1
Garment Designer 2.5, Style Sets 1 & 2, and your choice of either Easy 7
Jackets Book or Garment Designer Lesson Book.
SP-001 $230.00 Regular: $273.00

Garment Designer Bundle 2
Garment Designer 2.5 and your choice of Style Sets 1 OR 2
SP-002 $195.00 Regular: $224.00

Stitcher's Bundle
Stitch Painter Gold With Full Color Import module, Stitchery Module and SP
Lessons Book
SP-004 $225.00 Regular $263.00

Beader's Bundle
Stitch Painter Gold With Full Color Import module, Beading Module and SP
Lesson Book.
SP-005 $230.00 Regular $268.00

Knitter's Super Bundle
Garment Designer 2.5 with both Style sets 1 & 2, And Stitch Painter Gold
with Full color Import Module
SP-006 $395.00 Regular $463.00

Thank you all for you support:

Susan Lazear

Sonia Barton

Business Blog:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Garment Designer at Tennessee Tech University

There are quite a few Universities that have incorporated Garment Designer in there Fashion Design or Home Ec programs.

One of those Universities is Tennessee Tech University. Tennessee Tech University has two programs Merchandising and Design and Human Ecology.

In response to a call for Customer work submissions Sue Bailey, Ph.D., CFCS submitted the following:

Hi Sonia,

Based your call for customers to send blog material, I am attaching four photos of the students who designed vests and dresses in the spring'10 pattern making class at Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN. Garment Designer was used to design each project. I have secured permission from each student to have their photo and work posted if you should choose to use them.
As the class instructor, I simply love the ease of using Garment Designer in the apparel design classes. And, the new videos on You Tube will be extremely helpful. Thanks.


Sue Bailey, Ph.D., CFCS
School of Human Ecology
Tennessee Tech University

What wonderful Student work! Thank you so much Sue for your kind words and submission.
